If you don’t see your question here, please contact a Board Member
How do I order a Historic Marker?
This is likely the most asked question, and we’ve dedicated an entire page to answering this topic. Click here for more info.
Do I need permission to make changes to my home?
The short answer is this, “There’s no short answer.” But, The City of Huntsville has an informative list of the necessary steps before renovation can take place and that can be found here.
Why, please tell me why, I need permission to make changes to a home that I own?
The fancy term is “Contributing Structure.” In order to get our historic designation our neighborhood had to show that the majority of homes had maintained their architectural integrity and hadn’t undergone such significant renovations that they were no longer recognizable as their original construct. It is the job of the Huntsville Historic Preservation Commission to not allow changes outside the scope of the homes traditions to occur. This is how we maintain the integrity of our historical designation.
Is there a Five Points Neighborhood Membership?
There is and we’d love for you to join! We get together, especially when the weather is nice & we’ve even had bands play on different front porches throughout the neighborhood. Please contact us for more info: Email